Jurassic Park for windows instal
Jurassic Park for windows instal

# Asking then installing local files of the game POL_SetupWindow_menu "$(eval_gettext 'What is the type of the file?.')" "$TITLE" "$(eval_gettext '.EXE')~$(eval_gettext '.ZIP')~$(eval_gettext '.RAR')" "~" POL_Shortcut "$SHORTCUT_FILENAME" "$TITLE" "" "" "$SOFTWARE_CATEGORIES"Įlif thenĮlif then POL_Wine_WaitExit "JurassicPark100_Setup.exe" POL_Wine start /unix "$CDROM/JurassicPark100_Setup.exe" POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "JurassicPark100_Setup.exe" POL_Wine start /unix "steam.exe" steam://install/$STEAM_ID POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'When $TITLE download by Steam is finished,\nDo NOT click on Play.\n\nClose COMPLETELY the Steam interface, \nso that the installation script can continue')" "$TITLE"Ĭd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/Steam" POL_Shortcut "steam.exe" "$TITLE" "" "steam://rungameid/$STEAM_ID" # Shortcut done before install for steam version POL_Call POL_Install_steam_flags "$STEAM_ID" POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod "LOCAL,DVD" # Choose between Steam and other Digital Download versions POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION" # Downloading wine if necessary and creating prefix POL_RequiredVersion "4.3.4" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION is required to install $TITLE" # POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'WARNING: this software does exist in Linux native version.\n\nThis script only allow to run the Windows version on Linux, please prefer the Linux edition for better 3D speed.')" "$TITLE" POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX" Select archive, then decide if extension is RAR or ZIP or 7Z. # Ideas to improve this script: error window if unrar missing. Not a bug, this is a feature lacking in the game. # - Keyboard is QWERTY even with French language set (instead of AZERTY). # Wine 4.0.1 -> 4.0.3 (played 20 min, just some short freezes on CPU Intel I3-4130). # Middlewares used by this software : DirectX ?. # TESTED (with success): digital donwload. # Distribution used to test : XUbuntu 18.04 amd64

Jurassic Park for windows instal